Activate Your Fertility

Use food, lifestyle & energetics to optimize your fertility, heal your hormone imbalances & prepare your mind & body for pregnancy

Maybe right now you’ve been trying to conceive for 4ish months or more.

Maybe that has led to you feeling frustrated, defeated, depressed, confused, like there’s something wrong with you & your body.

Like this might not happen for you unless you turn towards medication which isn’t something you want to do.

Maybe you see other people posting about their pregnancy & feel sad or angry & that you can’t wait for it to be you.

Maybe you’re starting to doubt yourself & this process.


But deep down you know that pregnancy is possible for you.


You know that food, lifestyle & supplementation are power.

That they are medicine.

That there’s something you can change & implement into your daily life that will make a difference in your health.


Deep down you know you’re meant to be a mom & that doing so naturally is possible for you.


You know that even if it were to end up in IVF/IUI, that you would want to make sure your mind & body were in the strongest place possible before entering that journey because of how physically & emotionally draining it is.


If any of this resonates with you

  1. I love you and I am hugging you through this phone/computer
  2. You’re in the perfect place. I truly believe you didn’t end up reading this by accident, but that you were guided here for a reason.

P.S. In case you don’t already know me:

I’m Corinne!

I’m a former Spanish & ENL teacher turned Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Podcaster & Entrepreneur. I got into this space because of my own health struggles: irregular period for a decade & then NO period whatsoever for 2 full years, IBS-constipation & bloating, migraines, body rashes, facial hair growth & weight gain. ALL of which came from mismanaged PCOS.

Doctors always threw medication & birth control at me as a “solution” but deep down I knew that wasn’t the answer or the path I wanted to take.

So I took my health into my own hands. Started doing research, changed my lifestyle & healed ALL of the above. This lead me to going back to school for Holistic Nutrition as I was full time teaching (which I did for 9 years until I left in August of 2020 to run this business full time & share this gift with the world).


Fast forward to today: I have a 3 month old baby girl who I love more than words can express. We got pregnant on the first try, had a seamless pregnancy, a beautiful unmedicated, natural birth & have been honestly thriving ever since.


I tell you this so you know what’s possible for you.

If it’s possible for me to go from over a decade of an irregular period & not knowing how to support my body- to being the healthiest I had ever been & getting pregnant on the first try, then what can be possible for you too?

None of the above happened by accident or by luck.

It happened because of YEARS of dedicating my life to supporting my health as best as possible.

Once I learned how to heal myself, I made it my life's mission to help others do the same. Specifically to get pregnant & thrive in pregnancy & postpartum which I’ve done time & time again.

And now I want to support you in doing the same through Activate Your Fertility.

Fill out the application here!

This intentional space is for you if you’re ready…

  • to be guided & led by someone who has experience, expertise & success with getting pregnant (& helping others do the same) by naturally balancing your hormones
  • to have step by step science backed protocols (that you'll gladly implement once you know the why, what & how) that have been proven to enhance fertility, laid out for you in a simple, easy to understand way that your body will actually respond to (aka regular ovulation & strong progesterone levels to get & stay pregnant)
  • to make changes to your lifestyle (& your partner’s as well) & see a difference in the egg & sperm quality, strength & consistency of ovulation & progesterone production from doing so
  • to feel less alone & have an intimate group of women around you who are going through the same thing & experiencing the same range of emotions (fear, defeat, anger, disappointment, hope, eagerness)
  • to feel hopeful, confident & excited about your journey towards pregnancy & motherhood


  • to experience an improvement in your overall health (energy, moods, skin, longevity, cycle- no cramps & PMS, mental clarity) regardless of the outcome
  • to learn more about your body & how you can optimally nourish it so you can improve the quality of your life on your path towards pregnancy & motherhood
  • to strengthen your mind & body for one of the most beautiful, energy intensive journey’s you’ll ever be on so you can thrive during pregnancy & postpartum, not just survive
  • to learn how to heal yourself rather than rely on medications & lack of the type of support you want from doctors

If that’s you, I’m SO happy you’re here & knew you would be guided here at the exact perfect time for you.

The details of this experience:

  • 4 months together
  • 3 private 1:1 calls spread out over the 4 months together. I want to know YOU and exactly what’s been going on with you up until now. You’ll complete a comprehensive health history form & a week long food & mood journal so I can get a full picture of what’s going on & know how to personalize what you’ll be learning to you & your specific needs.
  • 2 group calls via zoom so you can connect more deeply with the other women in this space so I can support each of you (one call will be in November & one in January- the day & time is TBD. I will put out a survey to the group of you with options & we will choose which is best for the majority of you- the call will be recorded if you can't make it live) 
  • Immediate & Lifetime access to The Mind Your Hormones Method: my course that teaches you how to address the ROOT CAUSE of your hormone imbalances & heal them NATURALLY with food, lifestyle & supplementation
  • Immediate Access to The Mind Your Hormones Method Coaching Voxer chat for the 4 months that we’re together (this is where women who are in the MYHM can ask questions on their journey & receive feedback from me on a weekly basis)
  • Activate Your Fertility Trainings: once you address the root cause of your imbalances with the MYHM, you will learn how to OPTIMIZE you & your partners fertility so you’re both in the best health possible for natural conception & a healthy pregnancy 
  • A Group Voxer Chat (a free voice/text messaging app like What’s App)  with me, you & the other women in this experience with you. This space is designed for you to be able to have support from me as you’re learning & making changes. This is having me in your back pocket to guide, lead & support you in whatever comes up along the way without having to wait for your 1:1 call to receive support. This chat is also designed for you to feel in community with the women who are going through exactly what you’re going through. So you can chat with them, hear what challenges they’re experiencing & feel in solidarity with them.
  • An hour long virtual Breathwork session with a trained practitioner (part of enhancing your fertility is releasing stagnant energy that can create energetic blocks specifically in your sacral chakra- breathwork is an amazing tool to do that)


Please note: The 1:1 calls & Voxer support will begin towards the beginning of October. You will get immediate (& lifetime) access to the MYHM & Activate Your Fertility trainings so you can get started right away & we can go even deeper once the experience fully begins in October.

The Investment:

  • $3,888 Pay In Full
  • 4 monthly payments of $1,000
  • 6 monthly payments of $700

(if you need a longer payment plan message me & we can work something out)

Fill out the application here!

I truly believe that part of my soul's purpose is to support women in getting pregnant. I feel that stronger than ever now that I’m a mom. If you’re one of the 4 women I get to guide through this experience, I’m truly HONORED & cannot wait to support you & get to know you.

If you have any questions at all please DM me on Instagram @corinneangelica or email me at:

[email protected]

If you’re ready for this, please apply HERE & I’ll be in contact with you soon.

XO Corinne