$444.00 USD

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in your mind and body.

Are you ready to feel more grounded and more mentally and emotionally strong?

Are you ready to do the inner work so the physical results flow more effectively and easily?

Are you ready to reset your Nervous System to be more resilient and stable?

To learn how to better lead yourself through stressful situations so it decreases its power to knock your hormones out of whack?

 Enter Nourish Your Nervous System

Right now, your Nervous System is set at a specific point. Based on where it's at, it can only handle a certain amount of stress ("good" or "bad") until it becomes off balance, knocking all your other hormones out of whack.

(There are 5 major root causes to all hormone imbalances. HPA axis disfunction AKA adrenal fatigue being one of them. Cortisol- our stress hormone- is a top tier hormone & causes a cascade affect when it becomes disregulated. In order for your hormones to be in harmony, your cortisol MUST be regulated. AKA your Nervous System needs to be Nourished & Supported)

Nourish Your Nervous System is going to expand your current set point.

It's going to reset your Nervous System & deepen your ability to withstand the mess & stress (good, bad & indifferent) of life without it knocking you & all your hormones down each time.

If we want to feel our best, in our mind and body, we must learn how to Nourish our Nervous System on a consistent basis.

In this program you will deeply & thoroughly reset your Nervous System which will result in you feeling more:






AND will result in better periods & optimized fertility.

You will learn how to continuously nourish your Nervous System through the ups & downs life brings.
So you can experience more joy, excitement & energy in life rather than feeling anxious, overwhelmed & exhausted.
So you can handle all the bigness coming your way (whether that's becoming a mom, moving, switching careers, leaving a relationship, starting a new relationship, running a business, leveling up in your career etc.) without the inherent stress of it robbing you of your joy & your health.

This program isn't about getting rid of stress (because that's simply impossible and not actually healthy).

It's about expanding your capacity to withstand the daily stress you experience.

Because the stress isn't the problem.

It's having the MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND WELLNESS to lead yourself THROUGH the stress you experience and decrease its power to knock your Nervous System & hormones out of whack.

This is about learning how to deeply Nourish the system that really controls it all & get out of chronic Fight or Flight mode.

What to expect in the program trainings:

  • looking at your life as a whole- mind, body, soul.
  • Uncovering the mental blocks & survival patterns that are negatively impacting your nervous system and cortisol levels (THIS is where it all begins & what controls it all)
  • mental & emotional strategies & techniques to create new patterns that bring stability to your system (rather than stress & anxiety) that you can come back to time & time again
  • nutrition & lifestyle changes to support your Nervous System
  • how your cycle phases play a role in this & how you can better support each one 

The transformation?

Strength from the inside out.

Setting your physical body up to be able to heal.

Rewiring your Nervous System to one of stability, resilience and strength. Living more frequently in your Parasympathetic (rest, digest & heal) mode & getting out of the Sympathetic (Fight or Flight) mode

Who is this program for?
  • For the woman who knows she's often in fight or flight mode and is ready to get out of it
  • She knows that there's a deeper level of health she's ready to experience.
  • She's ready to do the mental & emotional work that's often harder than changing her diet.
  • She might feel a bit burnt out, unmotivated, stuck & defeated from not feeling the expansion she wants to feel in her health and/or from not seeing the physical health results-despite the changes she's making in her nutrition.
  • She's ready to look at parts of her that may be holding her back with love and the willingness to change for the better

If you're ready to go deep.

If you're ready to master one of the most crucial hormones and root causes of imbalances in the body

Nourish Your Nervous System is for you.

  • 4 week program
  • *at least* 11 trainings
  • 1 call dedicated all to Q&A
  • A Breathwork experience held by a Certified Breathwork Practitioner
  • Held live in a Facebook group (replay is available immediately after if you can't make a live call) 
  • We start on Tuesday 10/18

Will I see you inside?!

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