$255.00 USD

I hereby consent to and authorize Corinne Angelica Wellness to provide professional healthcare services on my behalf.

My treatments are intended to rebalance your hormonal system, improve your energy, alleviate pain, and restore your body, psyche, and spirit for long-term healing resolutions. I am here to help YOU achieve the results you want and DESERVE!  

As a new Client, I agree to:

  1. Fully disclose all physical and/or psychological health conditions that may be necessary for my Holistic Nutritionist to know in order to assure my safety, honor my emotional history, and allow my Nutritionist to provide me with the best possible healing experience.
  2. Inform my Nutritionist immediately, via Voxer or email, of any physical or emotional discomfort or pain following a consultation.

I hereby authorize my Nutritionist to recommend the following types of protocols as necessary to facilitate my healing and design recommended treatments:

Holistic use of nutrition: Therapeutic nutrition and nutritional supplementation.

Botanical (herbal) medicine: Botanicals may be prescribed as teas, tinctures, capsules, tablets, or creams.

Lifestyle counseling and hygiene: Promotion of wellness including recommendations for movement, sleep, stress reduction, mindset and habit shifts.

I recognize the potential risks and benefits of these procedures as described below:

Potential risks: allergic reactions to prescribed herbs and supplements, side effects of natural medications, aggravation of pre-existing symptoms, discomfort, nausea, lightheadedness, inconvenience of lifestyle changes. Please notify me if you experience ANY symptoms which may be secondary to the above procedures or if ever in doubt!

Potential benefits: restoration/balance of hormonal health, PCOS management, boosting fertility, restoration of energy, health & the body’s MAXIMAL functional capacity WITHOUT the use of pharmaceuticals or surgery, relief of pain & symptoms of disease, and prevention of disease or its progression.

Notice to pregnant women: All female clients must alert me if they know or suspect that they are pregnant as some of the therapies used could present a risk to the pregnancy.

With this knowledge, I voluntarily consent to the above procedures, realizing that no guarantees have been given to me, by Corinne Angelica Nutrition, regarding cure or improvement of my condition. I understand that I am free to withdraw my consent and to discontinue participation in these procedures at any time.

I understand that a record will be kept of the health services provided to me. This record will be kept confidential and will not be released to others unless so directed by myself, my legal representative, or unless it is required by law. I understand that information from my medical record may be analyzed for research purposes, and that my identity will be protected and kept confidential. I understand that any questions I have will be answered by my Holistic Nutritionist to the best of her ability.

These masterclasses do not guarantee fertility or that you will naturally conceive. These masterclasses are meant to help you understand your body better and to help prepare your body in a healthy way for the changes you are about to make. These masterclasses also do not guarantee that you won't get pregnant without being on birth control. 

Acknowledgement and Waiver


  • I have read all the foregoing information and I understand that the ultimate responsibility for my health is my own.
  • I will be seeing a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and not a Medical Doctor.
  • Any treatment or advice given to me as a client of this practice is not mutually exclusive from any treatment or advice that I may receive now, or in the future, from another licensed health care provider.
  • I am at liberty to seek or continue medical care from a physician or surgeon or other health care provider.
  • No employee, agent, or anyone else under this clinic’s direction or control is suggesting or recommending to me to refrain from seeking or following the advice of another health care provider.
  • The programs rendered or recommended by this practice may be different than those usually offered by a medical doctor or other licensed health care provider.
  • I have read, understood and agreed to all information, rules and disclaimers contained in my documents. 
  • I understand that my payment is NON-REFUNDABLE.
  • I agree to pay the rate listed above.
  • I recognize that I can contact Corinne via instagram or Email. 

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Your Body is Designed to Heal BUNDLE

Balance Your Blood Sugar:

Your first step to simply & sustainably improve your energy, cycle & fertility. 


Whether you realize it or not, Blood Sugar Regulation effects EVERYthing in your body.


Blood Sugar is connected to ALL of these symptoms.
  • Headaches? Blood Sugar
  • 3pm crash? Blood Sugar
  • Hungry an hour after a meal? Blood Sugar
  • Irregular Period? Blood Sugar
  • Difficulty getting pregnant? Blood Sugar
  • Brain fog? Blood Sugar
  • Hangry between meals? Blood Sugar
  • Massive PMS & mood swings? Blood Sugar
  • Cramps? Blood Sugar
  • Gestational Diabetes? Blood Sugar


Regulating your blood sugar is the quickest way to feel better in your day & one of the best things you can do for fertility & long term health


When you master your Blood Sugar:
  •  Food shopping is easier because you know what to buy & cook to support your hormones
  •  Cooking becomes quicker & easier because you know the most important things to include in every meal
  •  Going back to work after lunch isn’t a drag because you actually have energy to go through the rest of your day WITHOUT a crash & needing to slam another coffee
  •  Working out is easier (& more effective) because you have the ENERGY to do it (WITHOUT pre workout!)
  •  Your period will be easier (& more predictable) because it won’t come with intense cramps, tons of PMS or come whenever it wants from being irregular


Simple tasks you do every day (like laundry, cleaning, working) become EASIER because you have the energy & mental FOCUS to do them


When you master your Blood Sugar:
  •  Your weekly/monthly headaches & migraines will dissolve- you can throw your Advil away
  •  Your 3pm crash will be a distant memory- now you’ll be having a Beyonce concert in your car on your way home from work instead of fighting to keep your eyes open LOL
  •  You won’t be hangry between meals & snap at your partner because all you can think about is what the F you can eat & how quickly you can eat it (you grabbing anything you can get your hands on just because you’re so hungry will also dissolve)
  •  You being hungry an hour after a meal- gone.
  •  You standing at the counter at 8pm binging chips/cookies because you have such a craving for them- will also be gone.


Balance Your Blood Sugar is NOT me teaching you to cut carbs, never eat sugar again & to just eat foods on the low glycemic index. There will be NONE of that in this program.


Why? Because cutting carbs and sugar & eating only low glycemic foods is a bandaid solution. It’s not sustainable or realistic (& it’s also not required).

When that’s your approach, you feel super restricted and binge at night, on the weekends, when you go out to dinner, when you’re on vacation etc.

Balance Your Blood Sugar is a ROOT CAUSE approach that’s meant to carry you through your entire LIFE. So that even when you’re at a party, out to dinner, on vacation, pregnant, at a friends bachelorette party- you know EXACTLY what to do to regulate your blood sugar without feeling restricted.


In this program I am breaking down every possible situation you can encounter that can disregulate your blood sugar & giving you clear & SIMPLE actions to take to stabilize it & get ahead of it (going out to eat, drinking alcohol, caffeine, desserts- ALL OF IT).


Each training is SHORT & POTENT so you can easily fit it into your life, learn, take the exact small action I lay out for you & see a change ASAPPPPP.


I am making stabilizing your blood sugar SO FKING SIMPLE that it would be hard for you to NOT take action & see results...


Results like:

  • more energy
  • better moods
  • more mental clarity
  • regular, strong ovulation
  • bbt numbers increased & stable
  • regulated period
  • reduced risk of gestational diabetes
  • an easier time maintaining a healthy weight
  • boosted fertility
  • improved egg quality


The way you LIVE & experience your day will change. You go from living in a fog you didn't even know you were in to...


Holy sh*t!! This is what it feels like to have energy?! To feel satiated after a meal? To have stable moods? To sleep better? To get a regular period?! To feel GOOD after a meal?!


(yes BB that's the power of regulating your blood sugar)


The way this is going to impact your fertility,egg quality & ovulation ANDDD support you in not having as much morning sickness & reducing chances of gestational diabetes when you do get pregnant... talk about a VIBE.


Regulating your blood sugar is REQUIRED for you to improve your cycle, energy & fertility & this program makes it easier for you to do that than ever before.


Supplement Masterclass:  

In this masterclass you'll get an in-depth training on the specific supplement protocols, dosages, brands & timing I recommend for:

  • safely stopping hormonal birth control (or supporting yourself while staying on it)
  • Boosted Fertility (men & women) & Pregnancy (including what to change for each trimester)
  • PCOS
  • Endometriosis/Painful Periods
  • overall cyclical wellness

Supplements are a huge part of my holistic philosophy & have made a radical difference in my life as well as the lives of my clients.

Nutrient Deficiencies are a MAJOR root cause of ALL hormone imbalances, cycle irregularities & fertility struggles

Proper supplementation will lead you to:

  • more energy
  • better immunity
  • better sleep
  • boosted fertility
  • more regular cycles & ovulation
  • overall improved wellness & longevity

& so much more.

While eating a mainly whole foods diet is essential for your overall health, it's impossible to get the amount of nutrients you need from food alone. Due to poor soil quality, the stress of modern day living & not eating "perfectly", supplementation is necessary for your body to function optimally & for you to feel your best.

When you're on a healing journey- balancing your hormones, naturally conceiving, pregnant, stopping hormonal birth control, managing PCOS etc- your body needs an abundance of nutrients & minerals in order to heal & reach a state of balance.

This is where supplementation comes into play.

Here's what you'll learn in this masterclass:

  • the supplement protocols for each of the categories listed above.
  • WHY I recommend these supplements, how they work in your body & why they're so beneficial.
  • the professional-grade, high-quality brands I personally use, trust & recommend.
  • the recommended dosages + timing for each one (this REALLY matters)
  • You will also have an ebook/guide you can easily print out/read for your specific protocol (COMING SOON!)

You deserve to know how to naturally support yourself + positively add to your nutrition + lifestyle.

You will get immediate access to the supplement training as well as any updated versions I make. (I'm constantly learning & will always bring you the most up to date information).


 Lifetime Access.

 This bundle is non-refundable.


Disclaimer: Always check with your medical care practitioner before starting a new protocol. By purchasing this training I acknowledge that Corinne Angelica Wellness is not responsible for my well-being. I acknowledge that I take full responsibility for my health.